A mom takes her two small children to the shopping mall one evening. It was during the holiday season and it was very busy with lots of people doing their last minute shopping. The mother sits her two children at a small table in the center of the food court and tells them to stay there while she goes to get them some supper. She watches the obedient children until it was time for her to order. In the 30 seconds she placed her order and turned back around to keep an eye on the kids, one child, the youngest of the two, was gone!
Leaving the counter and running frantically through the crowd to where their table was, the mother begins to yell for the child. Panic sets in when she still could not spot her. A sweet, elderly woman grabs the moms hand and points under the table with a smile on her face. The child was not missing, but had dropped her m&m's under the table and was picking up the ones had fallen out of the bag. What a relief...
Sound familiar? Have you ever experienced the terror of thinking your child was missing or lost? Many children go missing everyday. This is why we panic when our children get out of our view, especially in crowded places. Now this could be prevented with the newly improved Child Guard!
The child will love wearing the cartoon animal-shaped transmitter which sends a signal to the receiver, which is held by the adult. The signal can be adjusted from a distance of 6 to 30 feet. When the child goes beyond the set distance, the adult's receiver begins to beep, alarming them that the child is beginning to wander off. The Child Guard performs with superb accuracy making it an excellent safety device and giving you a peace of mind!